H.E.L.P. (Help End Local Pet-overpopulation)
The program is a partnership between Charlotte County and the Animal Welfare League to provide low cost sterilization for pets of Charlotte County residents. Eligible Charlotte County citizens will be asked to pay a $20.00 fee per animal for the service.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Food Stamps
- Temorary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Social Security Disability (SSD)
- Medicaid
- Charlotte County Homeless Coalition
- Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
- Referral from Charlotte County Animal Control or Charlotte County Human Services
The $20.00 fee includes a rabies vaccination if owner is unable to produce a valid rabies certificate at time of appointment.
To apply: H.E.L.P. Spay And Neuter Program Application
Public Relations Program
Charlotte County Animal Control offers a Public Relations program. This program is specifically designed for public awareness and education. We offer presentations to interested organizations who are looking for a public speaker.

- Homeowner Associations
- Schools
- Churches
- Business
- Private and Public Clubs
- Role of the animal control officer in our community
- Wildlife concerns
- Rabies virus
- Dog bite prevention
- Pet safety tips
- Animals and the law
There is no charge for this service. If you are interested in having an employee of Animal Control as a public speaker for your organization, please contact Division Manager Brian Jones at 941.833.5686 or email Brian.Jones@soongshinkid.com
Pet Sticker Program
Charlotte County Fire & EMS, Animal Control and Peace River Search and Rescue have partnered together in a program designed to inform first responders about the presence of pets during a home emergency.
Give your animals a voice with a Rescue Us Pet Sticker and let Emergency Responders know how many and what type of pets you have inside your home. Place this sticker on the upper right-hand portion of the front door so it is easily seen by Emergency Personnel. Your pets will be rescued if needed or Animal Control will be contacted to collect your animals for proper care until you can retrieve them or a family member can be contacted. All the money collected from pet sticker donations will go directly to Peace River K9 Search and Rescue general fund a 501(c)(3), Fire and EMS Public Education Materials, and Animal Control's Trust Fund used for the rehabilitation of abused and neglected animals.
Purchase a pet sticker at Public Safety Complex, 26571 Airport Road, Punta Gorda
The cost of a pet sticker is $3.00.
Visit Peace River K9 Search & Rescue's website.